澳洲木瓜霜 Lucas' Papaw Ointment~木瓜霜有這麼好用!?最近有朋友問我,木瓜霜好用嗎!?是天然的嗎!?嬰兒可以使用嗎!?
以下就來看看老牌Lucas' 木瓜霜官網的資訊吧!
Carica木瓜39mg /g 新鮮水果酵素
在 Lucas' 木瓜霜中,使用了來自昆士蘭州最新鮮的水果來生產此款藥膏。木瓜一但被送至布里斯班的工廠後,即會在嚴格控制的條件下,生產出最好品質的水果酵素。其獲得專利的酵素工藝,可提供高濃度的木瓜癒合酶。最終產品包含0.1mg / g的山梨酸鉀(防腐劑)。
※湯瑪仕備註:查詢了一下山梨酸鉀(Potassium Sorbate)是什麼,其實他是一種食品級的防腐劑。
Lucas' 木瓜霜的木瓜軟膏不含十二烷基硫酸鈉,棕櫚油,甘油,聚普拉斯酮,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮,滑石粉或蟲膠。非過敏和非粉刺。
藥用級基礎經過測試和篩選,以求出總多環芳烴的含量。Penreco USP級凡士林對生殖無毒且不致突變。
Lucas' 木瓜霜中的木瓜軟膏具有最嚴格的測試水平,並且對安全性和質量有著完全的承諾。製造過程符合治療用品管理局(TGA)管理的《良好生產規範》。在乾淨的環境中製備軟膏,以確保其不含雜質和污染物。
A quality product with quality ingredients.
Carica Papaya 39mg/g Fresh Fermented Fruit
Made of Queensland grown fresh papaw fruit
At Lucas’ Papaw, only the freshest fruit from Far North QLD is used to produce our ointment. Once we receive the papaw at our factory in Brisbane, we hand select and ferment the finest fruit, under strictly controlled conditions. Our patented fermentation process delivers an exceptional concentration of the healing enzymes of papaw. The finished product contains 0.1mg/g of Potassium Sorbate, which is a preservative.
Base – Pharmaceutical Grade Petroleum Jelly and Wax
Lucas’ Papaw ointment contains no sodium lauryl sulphate, palm oil, glycerin, polyplasdone, polyvinylpyrrolidone, talc or shellac. Non-allergenic and non-comedogenic.
The base used in our ointment meets the purity and safety standards of the United States FDA and European Pharmacopeia, is approved by Therapeutic Goods Australia (TGA) and complies with international and Australian safety standards.
Our pharmaceutical grade base is tested and screened for levels of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Penreco USP grade petrolatums are non-toxic to reproduction and not mutagenic.
Gum Balsam Peru
A minimal amount of Gum Balsam Peru is added to Lucas’ Papaw Ointment both as perfume and for its healing properties.
Quality That You Can Trust
Lucas’ Papaw Ointment has the most stringent level of testing, and we have a total commitment to safety and quality. The manufacturing process is compliant with the Code of Good Manufacturing Practice as administered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The ointment is prepared in a clean environment to ensure it is free from impurities and contaminants.
For over a century, Lucas’ Papaw Ointment has been Australia’s #1 trusted topical ointment. The great care that we take with ingredients and the manufacturing process ensures that you get a quality product. Find out why generations have trusted the red tubes and tubs of Lucas’ Papaw Ointment.